Posted by: leppie | December 13, 2008

Woohoo! Got a job!

Now I can relax a bit 🙂

Starting on Monday 5 January. And 1/2 day left of current job.


  1. Congratulations!!! Have an interesting job and a lot of time for IronScheme 😉

  2. Congratulations!

  3. Congrats 🙂 Hope this one lasts longer than the last one 😉

  4. Arrived at your site after discovering IronLisp and IronScheme, which was after looking into IronPython a little bit. Well that sounds like a long journey. Anyways I enjoy Python and have always been interested in Lisp, et al.

    I’ve also been on a slight hunt for a new development job (different circumstances since my company didn’t go under) so it’s good to hear that things aren’t totally a lost cause.

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