Changelog - July 15, 2007 

- Added manual download if builtin download fails
- Fixed preprocessor handling bug
- Changed source so debug builds wont fail if this is now keyfile created
- Mapped Ctrl+D to remove current line (thanks to Bryan Allot for suggestion)
- Added 'Copy FullPath' to File Tab Context menu - July 11, 2007 

- Fixed toolbar reappearing problem, hidden once again
- Fixed default language plugin not loading correctly
- Made background colors 50% transparent - July 7, 2007 

- Fixed regression bug in C# parser
- Removed all old build related classes, config.xml not used any more
- Release RSS feed at
- Fixed input encoding in CSLex lexer
- New updater service, see - June 23, 2007 

- Fixed Navigation Bar selection with 'folded' regions
- More C# parser fixes, should parse everything correctly now
- Updates to CodeModel namespace and nested type handling
- Changed web references to
- Updated to NSIS 2.28 - June 10, 2007   

- Even more enhancements to C# parser :p 
- Bug fixes to the CodeModel 
- Reverted back to integer width for fonts, matches VS Orcas output very closely 
- New Navigation Bar for C# - June 3, 2007   

- More enhancements to C# parser :p 
- Improved TraceLog display 
- Fix bug with Windows Classic style (thanks to John for reporting and help resolving 
  issue) - June 2, 2007   

- More fixes to C# parser :p 
- Fixed VB.NET string handling 
- Added support for Cat Language ( 
- Updated to TreeViewAdv 1.6 
- Updated to DockPanelSuite 2.1 
- Namespace cleanup (generated parsers/lexers are now under Xacc.Languages) 
- Added VS Ocras solution file (seems the only thing preventing VS2005 from using it, 
  is the version number) - May 17, 2007   

- .NET 3.5 language support 
- Works on Vista 
- Added SQL lexer again 
- Experimental 'file explorer' 
- Updated Docking library 
- Updated to NSIS 2.27 
- Many more small stuff that I cant recall :p - November 19, 2006   

- More encoding fixes 
- Middle click on tab now closes 
- Better new file handling 
- LSharp parser "trace" function fix - November 15, 2006   

- Fixed Unicode/other encodings not saving correctly - October 29, 2006   

- Added ability to turn off ClearType via 
- Fixed encoding issue with loading 'sln' files 
- Improved startup time 
- Fixed issue with rerunning 
- HLSL now doesnt load the CSS lexer anymore (oops) 
- Updated to NSIS 2.21 - September 10, 2006   

- Now converts VS2003 projects to MSBuild 
- Quite a few C# parser fixes 
- xacc.ide can now be correctly used with file association 
- Internal changes and fixes 
- Updated to NSIS 2.20 - August 12, 2006   

- Allows builds to be cancelled 
- Moved some menus 
- C# 2.0 parser completed 
- Updated to NSIS 2.19 - August 6, 2006   

- Much better VS2005 solution support 
- Improved parser to handle shift/reduce conflicts in the automation 
- C# parser should handle most, if not all, .NET 2 cases - July 29, 2006   

- Bugfixes 
- Improvements to C# parser 
- Improvements to project manager 
- Seamless VS Solution import and build 🙂 (take xacc.ide on the road!) 
- Disabled project creation (needs redesigning) 
- Started integration with antlr 
- Forgot to mention: Total Commander users use 'xacc.ide.exe -listermode %1' as 
  replacement for Lister, this will open xacc.ide maximized and load files into 
  the running application instance. - July 26, 2006   

- Many bugfixes 
- Improvements 
- Basic load and build support for MSBuild projects - July 3, 2006   

- Many bugfixes 
- Better font handling/painting 
- Improved painting 
- Better parser/lexer integration 
- Updated to NSIS 2.18 - June 30, 2006   

- Ported a whole bunch of extra languages from old version (only 3-4 lacks now) 
- Expanded LSharp parser 
- Installer now installs/uninstalls native images (ngen'd)  

0.2.0 SVN rev: 25 - June 27, 2006   

- First alpha release of 0.2 series! 
- Now based on .NET 2.0, and hence required. 
- Completely C# based now. 
- Only about 13 languages currently supported but C# does have a parser too, and very 
  nice highlighting. More to come soon! 
- Shrunken installer down to 500kb! 🙂 
- Very fast now, comparable to VS2003. (Hint: for very fast performance 
  "ngen install xacc.ide.exe") 
- There are quite a few bugs, please dont report them, this is only a preview release.   - May 27, 2006   

- created a runtime abstraction layer to assist in porting 
  xacc itself only depend on this runtime, the runtime can be adjusted for deps/CLR 
- updated to NSIS 2.17 
- added 'quick' new textfile menu   - May 14, 2006   

- added PowerShell syntax highlighting 
- moved non-essential languages to xacc.lexers.managed.dll 
- removed CPU & memory performance counters 
- added 'scm' as extension for Scheme 
- fixed comment handling in CSS files   - May 12, 2006   

- Fixed copy to HTML giving wrong offsets, after font modifications in 
- Fixed Selection bar not showing correctly, after font modifications in   - May 7, 2006   

- more speed improvements 
- fixed critical bug: increase indent when selection is beyond top of viewport 
- fixed critical bug: decrease indent not truncating caretindex  

  Both of above bug fixes partially solve the known Undo/Redo issue.   - May 5, 2006   

- improved JavaScript lexer 
- fixed font size and font selection not working in settings 
  Check "Consolas" font at 10.33pt if you use CRT, stick to integers on LCD. 
- fixed show stopper performance bug that has crept in since before!!! 
  Generous performance improvements will be noticed with scrolling 🙂   - April 22, 2006   

- fixed a bug in C# lexer for verbatim string escapes (@"") 
- fixed a bug in IronPython lexer for single quoted strings 
- improved embedded support 
- prevent further PerformanceCounter related exceptions (thanks Ed Poore) 
- fixed comment handling in CSS 
- added CSS highlighting for STYLE tag in XML 
- improved Language Designer alot   - April 17, 2006   

- added language designer for easy (but basic) syntax building 
- added dynamic plugins folder/loader system   - April 16, 2006   

- better embedded support 
- improved CS Lex integration 
- moved Patch/Diff lexer to CS Lex 
- added support for Scala and Mercury (both cs_lex)   - April 13, 2006   

- moved PlainText and Changelog to new lexers; integrate into main lib 
- clean ups 
- fixed cs_lex invoke issues 
- removed CSTools for now, cs_lex provides better integration and code 
- wrote new lexer for lexing CSLex in CSLex (good example) 
- added basic highlight support for Scheme type languages (notably CommonLarceny) 
- experimental embedded editor support   - April 11, 2006   

- improved JavaScript string handling, added syntax highlighting for RegEx literals 
- fixed java lexer to support 'numbered' escape in strings 
- updated to NSIS 2.16 
- added 2 new lexer backends for CSLex and CSTools 'lg' 
- added above to tools   - April 2, 2006   

- fixed boo lexer to support # style comments 
- more cleanups to Xml lexer 
- fixed error submission webservice, due to internal network changes (sorry)   - March 30, 2006   

- fixed Xml lexer to support multiline strings and better preprocessor handling   - March 24, 2006   

- fixed parser bug on some empty files   - March 9, 2006   

- added missing 'old-style' clipboard keyboard shortcuts (thanks Julian Hanson) 
- better handling of 'Home' key in editor (thanks Julian Hanson) 
- fixed GotoFirstLine() not scrolling (thanks Douglas Troy) 
- made "New file" buttons less VB-ish, new look will come 
  later (thanks Douglas Troy) 
- improved #region handling (thanks Douglas Troy) 
- added CSS and Perl (dodgy) syntax highlighting   - March 8, 2006   

- improved XML highlighting 
- fixed bug when creating new files (thanks Julian Hanson) 
- implemented 'forgotten' Next/Previous window functions (thanks Julian Hanson) 
- improved LSharp compiler 
  (note: .NET interop has been disabled for now till I can find a better solution)  

0.1.3     - March 5, 2006   

- Milestone release, includes full source 
- added basic LSharp compiler 
- fixed annoying error markers (esp in LSharp)  

0.1.3-rc1 - March 2, 2006   

- fixed config compiler bug for some non-english-locale versions (thanks Cengizhan)  

0.1.3-rc0 - March 1, 2006   

- fixed small bug in tracing 
- added more verbose tracing for config compiler 
- added dock window persistance 
- fixed bug in NSIS multiline strings 
- added notification incase of lexer fault as per above issue 
- removed unnecesary code from msvcr stub 
- fixed msvcr71.dll dependancy sneaking in again 
- handle clipboard exception when using VNC (weirdness)  - February 26, 2006   

- added open file persistance for projects 
- fix for some crashes that has been occuring on app start 
  (performance counters) (thanks Benoit & Buck)  - February 23, 2006   

- fixed CopyToRtf copying HTML to text format instead of RTF in editor 
- fixed StripTrailingSpaces 
- internal changes  - February 22, 2006   

- fixed toolbar (finally!) 
- optimized grid file format 
- improved startup time (and possible config compiler bug)  - February 21, 2006   

- fixed caret issues with readonly mode 
- fixed uninstaller bug (stale menus) 
- many bug fixes 
- undo/redo support for grid 
- support for clipboard operations on a selection of cells  - February 19, 2006   

- fixed startup project not being selected when project created, causing it 
  not to run/debug  - February 18, 2006   

- fixed save as bug in grid 
- included hellogrid.gls sample file 
- added support for custom TokenClass colors in lexer 
- support for multiple grids (cell values only active within current grid now)  - February 17, 2006   

- more improvements on grid 
- grids is now a file with gls extention, this is just a LSharp file, which 
  can be loaded and saved, multiple grids not supported yet 
- yet more internal changes  - February 16, 2006   

- fixed a number of reported bugs 
- more improvements on grid 
- yet more internal changes 
- as from previous version you can submit bugs too  - February 15, 2006   

- fixed wizard bugs 
- major improvements to grid 
- many internal changes  - February 13, 2006   

- merge with new DockPanel Suite (v1.0)! VS2005 style dragging! 
- added invoking methods with parameters, shows dialog (LSharp+keybinding) 
- added highly experimental grid (more details later)  - February 12, 2006   

- fixed caret not blinking 
- working on internal changes for new features  - February 10, 2006   

- fixed silly 'xacc.config.dll' bug  - February 10, 2006     

- added toolbar 'settings' example, see 
- added ChangeLog.txt 
- added Readme.txt 
- added right click context menus to docking tabs (thanks Douglas Troy) 
- added 'advanced' formatting functions (eg (un)comment, increase indent, to upper) 
- fixed newly reported (via bugtracker) bugs (thanks to all who submit!) 
-	added Changelog syntax support (mostly tailored for this changlog format) 
- improved performance a bit 
- improve error reporting a bit (webservices limits strings to 1024 characters...) 
- added language sensitive tool actions, eg Html Tidy, can be used to make snippet 
  compiler too 
- exports 'config.xsd' schema for config.xml  - February 09, 2006  

- added multiple project support (lacks some features, but working)   - February 08, 2006  

- fixed many small outstanding bugs 
- better Undo/Redo support 
- added syntax highlight for patch files   - February 07, 2006  

- added token color customization 
- added toplevel menu accelerators 
- disabled menus now draw outline   - February 06, 2006  

- yet again improvements to keybindings 
- merged with LSharp 
- started Delphi project support   - February 05, 2006  

- more improvements and bug fixes to keybinding system   - February 03, 2006  

- much improved keybinding support 
- almost all functions moved to the new system (see 
- Many naming changes of the properties in ServiceHost to fit in better with 
  'menu' names (sorry)   - February 02, 2006  

- keystroke management now completed, and all functions moved to new system   - February 01, 2006  

- new custom keystroke support 
- removed msvcr71.dll dependency   - January 29, 2006  

- fixed broken build  

0.1.2     - January 29, 2006  

Noteworthy since 0.1.1: 
- Docking interface 
- Highlight support for 24 general languages, now with VB.NET, Delphi/FreePascal, 
  F#, LSharp 
- Scripting/command window with LSharp 
- AutoComplete (incomplete ) 
- Brace matching for some languages 
- Pretty new graphics  - January 28, 2006  

- FreePascal/Delphi support 
- VB.NET support 
- small bug fixes 
- ability to run/eval selected text (LSharp)  - January 26, 2006  

- F# support 
- Default XML args file 
- Fixed langauge selection bug, some files opened as XML...  - January 24, 2006  

Bugfix release: 
- font fixes (now rounds to nearest integer width, this will allow porting PocketPC 
  easier, also allows for using natural pixel offset) 
- disabled menu item color replaced with better color 
- fixed issue when closing command window with close function  - January 11, 2006  

- Basic settings service  - January 10, 2006  

- New submenus feature 
- Docking roughly implemented (lotsa scope for refactoring/clean up) 
- Nice clean start interface   - January 09, 2006  

- Fixed up alot issues with slow downs 
- Fixed project data serialization bug 
- added some sample LSharp code (mostly just demonstration)   - January 08, 2006  

- More improvements to AutoComplete 
- Cleaner installer/splash gfx 
- Statusbar showing memory usage (for now)   - January 05, 2006  

- Major advancements in AutoComplete 
- New installer gfx 
- LSharp environment completed (more info later)   - January 04, 2006  

- Quick update for critical bug   - January 04, 2006  

- Improvements in AutoComplete 
- Works basically in LSharp 
- C# need lotsa work   - January 03, 2006  

- better LSharp support (now loads before running a script) 
- LSharp parse tree 
- C# brace matching 
- Command 'console' (press Ctrl Enter to run)   - January 02, 2006  

- LSharp integration (few updates here and there to it) 
- Brace matching in LSharp (project mode only) 
- Some LSharp samples added   - December 30, 2005  

- LSharp support 
- Early SQL support 
- pretty new splash screen  

0.1.1     - December 13, 2005  

Final release: 
- Added Boo project support 
- Small fixes   

0.1.1-rc1 - December 11, 2005  

- Just alot of small fixes, improvements, and cleanups   

0.1.1-rc0 - December 10, 2005  

- Scrolling has been fixed 
- New icons in 'resultlist' 
- Stable as far as I know  - December 10, 2005  

- Many fixes 
- Improvements and fixes to some lexers/parsers 
- New prettier icons! (Thanks to VC Express, now i just need more!) 
- Removed PDB, XML doc and msvcr71.dll (should be on most systems, bar a few 
  brand new XP+.NET2 installs)  - December 08, 2005  

- Contains much better exception support. 
- Added xacc.pdb to assist in bug hunts. 
- .NET 2 issues fixed (msvcr71.dll included for .NET 2 only installs)  - December 07, 2005  

- New error reporter implemented. It will basically ask if you want to send 
  the stack trace and any info you wish to add to my webservice (on local pc)... 
  More features to come for that. Get an exception to try it out 🙂 (with my luck 
  no-one will get one now!). 
- Also fixed is folding persistance, and better background parsing.   - December 07, 2005  

- This release includes fix for undo (finally). 
- And has a new error dialog, not fully implemented yet.   - December 06, 2005  

- Most folding, lexing and undo/redo bugs has now been eliminated. 
- New clipboard copy/cut in multiple formats, text, Html and Rtf. Making pasting code 
  into Word or Html editor a breeze.   - December 05, 2005  

- Fixed the lexing bug and a few other things. 
- Also folding works in none project mode.   - December 04, 2005  

- For those waiting to see code folding in action   - November 30, 2005  

- Fixes and new condtional syntax highlighting and starts of a foldbar 
  (doesnt fold yet).   - November 28, 2005  

- New Makefile highlighting 
- Fixed double edit toolbar issue 
- And lotsa small internal changes for coming features   - November 27, 2005  

- Fixed timer speed issues. Now uses an inaccurate low latency timer. Lexer speed 
  improvements of 300% in .NET 1.1 and 11000% in .NET 2. 
- Added new tools option in config file.   - November 25, 2005  

Just a few critical bug fixes: 
- IMCM bug returned once more! Been crushed properly this time. 
- Fixed bug in bzip2 allowing 0 length input 
- Fixed XML disappearing tags in comment issue 
- Fixed lexing of 0 length line 
- Fixed assembly attributes for C# parser 
- Many other small fixes  

Known issues: 
- In rare cases the undo stack undo's incorrectly, but redoing it a few steps and 
  undoing again, leaves it back to original state.... . At least I know this is not 
  caused by IMCM bug.  

0.1       - November 22, 2005  

- After 2 1/2 years of on and off development, I present the 1st milestone release 
  for xacc.ide.   

0.1-rc6   - November 20, 2005  

- Mostly bugfixes, and 2 new tools added in the installer, flex and xyacc. flex is just a binary 
  of an unmodified flex distribution compressed with UPX. xyacc is a heavily modified version of 
	byacc, to emit C# code and headers for flex. I renamed it to prevent confusion, as it will 
	likely only work on xacc (as it is intended to)! xyacc is also UPX compressed. These 2 new tools 
	adds ~100kb to the installer . Unfortunately the dependency sorter is not working yet, so they 
	cant be used just yet.  

-	Also some enhancements to the installer, and removed 'non working' highlighters.  

0.1-rc5   - November 16, 2005  

-	Mainly embarrasing bugs fixes and toolbar implemented (about 15 lines total, excluding 
	attributes, fits beautifully with the menu system).   

0.1-rc4   - November 13, 2005  

- Prelimenary support for .nsi files 
- 500 xml doc warnings eliminated (300 remaining), now people can figure out at least what all these functions do! 
- Toolbar is broken (on purpose) 
- Some menu items are gone (but not forgotten) 
- Added .NET 1.1 check and download to installer  

0.1-rc3   - November 11, 2005  

- Busy on a new stateful attributed menu system. Basically placing an attribute on a method will 
  create a menu item for that method, with some extra options. The menus are not complete so dont 
  complain about them yet.   

- GetArgs now accepts 'default' arguments, parsing improved.  

- Ctrl + 'key' issue.  

Known issues: 
- Opening a project when an exisiting one is open, causes a long stall.  

0.1-rc2   - November 07, 2005  

- Tab issue, works perfectly now   

- Project support/handling  

- Dynamically generated TreeView 'icons' based on action   

0.1-rc1   - November 05, 2005  

- Debugger support (mainly C#) (TIP: use VS.NET F-keys) 
- Many memory and speed improvements, code clean up, shrunk xacc.dll by 100kb 
- Heavily improved project/build system (multiple projects still lacks), brand new minimal 
- xml project files 
- C# preprocessor (cspp) 
- Brand new XML build system (see config.xml). This file get compiled into a .NET assembly 
  to provide info to various parts of the project, as well as invocation of the actions, and 
  provides XML serialization support, as well as project property configuration dialogs and 
  error parsing, etc, etc,... you get the picture   

- Startup options (mainly for use through TotalCommander as a 'Lister', meaning no panels, 
  and pressing ESC, closes the IDE again)  

	I have tried to make this build as bug free as possible. Most of the actions in config.xml 
	are still incomplete though. Please let me know if you encounter any serious bugs (and 
	Not implemented dialogs are NOT bugs!).   

Known bugs: 
- tab handling/painting can get dodgy sometimes [update] issue isolated, bug fix in progress [update]  

Bugs fixed: 
- Debugger files with spaces issue 
- Lexer error in a few files  

- Builds are now threaded  

- cspp NEEDS cl (the MS Visual C++ compiler), duh!  

0.0.99-preview7   - October 18, 2005  

New languages, mostly untested and/or dodgy: 
- C++ 
- Caml * 
- SML * 
- Ruby 
- Perl (very dodgy!) 
- Flex 
- Java 
- Javascript 
- Lua * 
- Prolog *  

	Items marked with * are completely untested.  

0.0.99-preview6   - October 17, 2005  

- This build fixes Xml problems, and language dll's are built monolithic. This has decreased 
	the size of the zip by 70kb, now only 410kb! (362kb using RAR!!!) More languages in the flavour 
	of perl, java, caml, javascript, lua, ruby, sml and (f)lex coming soon too!  

0.0.99-preview5   - October 16, 2005  

- Not much extra, except for IronPython highlighting.   

0.0.99-preview4   - October 15, 2005  

Usual bug fixes and improvements, and the following new highlighting schemes: 
- Plain text 
- XML (some issues) 
- IL 
- Nemerle 
- C 
- Boo  

	Also new is the uitlization of the plugin loader system for plugin dll's.  

0.0.99-preview3   - October 14, 2005  

This preview is mostly bug fixes and cleaning up, but new features include: 
- Better project support, integration with codemodel 
- Support for group projects 
- Start on an XML highlighter 
- Memory optimizations 
- Added support lib (extras) that includes Bzip2 compression and Blowfish encryption  

0.0.99-preview2   - October 09, 2005  

- A surprise for all interested, xacc-ide has now an integrated debugger, support is 
	still very basic (and i need a treeview listview control, something similar to VS locals, 
	autos view). The integrated debugger is a process wrapper aound cordbg.exe.   

	For this preview, it expects you to have cordbg.exe in its default location where it is 
	installed with VS.NET 2003. Sorry, I will add paths for SDK once I know what they are . Also 
	debugging will only work on a project, so open up the little demo project in the zip file.  

0.0.99-preview    - October 07, 2005  

	No project support or anything else for that matter. All that is being demo'd is the new 
	lexing/parsing engine. Open one of the supplied test files to see. No other languages 
	will be displayed correctly, not even plain text until everything has been moved over to 
	the new system. I'm also busy removing redundant code, and refactoring a bit.


  1. I’m a budding programmer and I’d like to know how to install xacc, now that I’ve downloaded the src file. Please point me in the right direction in this regard.

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