Posted by: leppie | August 21, 2007

IronLisp going live today

After a month of development, IronLisp will be made public later today. I am pretty happy with the progress I have made, but there has been a few hickups too.

IronLisp will be hosted at For now it will contain very little infomation, but the latest code will be downloadable from the ‘source code’ tab. Anyone wanting to help out/contribute with development can contact me, or just supply a patch (if that is easier). If you are really serious, I will consider making you part of the project team :).

The state of the current source:
1. Macros has not been implemented, and hence does not work (I hope to get this finished by the weekend).
2. ‘let’ behaves like the Scheme version, but does not support ‘named let’.
3. No ‘with’, use ‘let’ instead.
4. No ‘nconc’, use ‘append’.
5. Although previously stated that IronLisp will not have a ‘cons’ class, it does infact have one now. All the ‘cons’ operations do work on IEnumerable though.
6. The source of the DLR is almost exactly the same as the latest IronPython release, but does include an enhancement, and 2 bug fixes (althought the latter is just used in debugging).
7. Passing a single argument to ‘subtract’ eg (- a) will negate the value.

Most of the other implemented operations works like they do in LSharp.

I hope this implementation will be a good introductory platform for using the DLR to shape your own scripting languages.

Thanks and enjoy 🙂


  1. […] if all the other .NET language mashups weren’t enough, IronLisp is coming out […]

  2. […] IronLisp going live today After a month of development, IronLisp will be made public later today. I am pretty happy with the progress I have […] […]

  3. […] IronLisp going live today « xacc.ide (tags: 2007 mes7 at_tecp lisp .net IRonLisp) […]

  4. Fantastic! I wish you very good luck, this is a great idea.

  5. When will we see an IronPHP???

  6. I dunno, it wont be me. There is another project that provides PHP for .NET, and when I checked it, it seemed pretty capable 🙂
